Another sneak peek of the upcoming series, along with a small interview with the cast.
Another sneak peek of the upcoming series, along with a small interview with the cast.
Hi everyone! Have you watched both episodes of ‘Career of Evil’? No? You can catch both episodes from now through BBC ONE. In the meantime, you can see screencaps and video scenes from the episode 1 and episode 2.
We finally managed to update our Video Archive a little bit more not only with ‘Electric Dreams’ but Renee has uploaded ‘Cinderella‘ scenes! Follow our links and gallery for more:
Holliday Grainger Fan > Video Archive > Cinderella
Holliday Grainger Fan > Video Archive > Philip K. Dick’s Electric Dreams
A brand new interview of Holly on The Strike – Career of Evil has been released by HMV. You can view the video on the youtube link or directly from our Video Archive. According to HMV, and as we previously knew, the new episode will be released on 25/02/2018 in BBC, but you can pre-order the previous release, The Silkworm on HMV on 19/02/2018.
We previously saw a small video from ‘Career of Evil’ released by Cinemax, but today, BBC ONE released the full trailer for the new episode which will premiere soon!
The first Cinemax teaser trailer for C.B Strike (Strike) is finally out. It will be premier in June in the USA airing the three seasons altogether; The Cuckoo’s Calling, The Silkworm, and Career of Evil. Follow the first screencaps on the gallery, we will soon have production stills and promotional pictures uploaded: